USA: Russian air defense systems are the most powerful in the world

The integrated air defense system of Russia is probably the most powerful and advanced in the world. This writes the edition of The National Interest.
As specified, the A2 / AD tactics (restriction and prohibition of access and maneuver, the concept of deterring the enemy with an armament complex) makes Russia a real fortress, since the modernized and created using the latest technology multi-level air defense systems turn the airspace of the Russian Federation into a "real minefield for an adversary. "

According to the author of the material Adam Cabot, in the event of a collision with Russian complexes, the invisible planes of NATO and the US can become completely useless. Despite the fact that the US Air Force has vast experience in countering enemy air defenses and the newest aircraft in service (including the fifth generation F-22 and F-35 stealth fighter-invisible aircraft), they have not yet had to deal with a similar Russian air defense system.
According to the author, most likely, the costly tactic of suppressing air defense does not help in the case of Russia and does not guarantee the destruction of all Russian complexes. The successful suppression of the Russian air defense will also be prevented by its high mobility, the newspaper Izvestia reports. B-2 bomber planes may be vulnerable to combat aircraft and new Russian radar systems.
The author comes to the conclusion that the best way to deal with air defense is to avoid them. But in the event of an attack on the airspace of the Russian Federation this will be impossible.
On November 3 of this year, American experts estimated the chances of the F-35 fighter jets against the Russian S-300 anti-aircraft missile systems.

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