In London, proposed to expand the circle of parties to the INF Treaty

Britain is in favor of concluding treaties on medium and shorter-range missiles (INF) not only with Russia, but also with other countries that have such technologies and weapons, said British Deputy Foreign Minister Tarik Ahmad.

Earlier, US President Donald Trump said that the United States does not intend to comply with the Treaty on Medium and Shorter-Range Missiles when Moscow violates it, and will withdraw from the treaty. Trump said that America will increase its nuclear potential until the rest "come to their senses", and after Washington will be ready to stop this process and even begin to reduce armaments. He explained that this message is addressed primarily to China and Russia.
"The US concerns not only China, but also the DPRK, as well as other countries that are not included in such bilateral agreements ... It is important to understand that in the world in which we live, there is a need to strengthen alliances, and there are countries that are developing certain technologies in this area. An important task is to ensure a joint dialogue with partners not only with Russia, but also somewhere else, "said the deputy minister, answering questions from members of the House of Lords of the British Parliament.
Labor Lord Donald Anderson asked Ahmad whether he was surprised by Trump’s sudden statement about the unilateral withdrawal of the INF Treaty, as well as the prospects for concluding a similar agreement with the PRC.

"We supported - especially when the negotiations between the US and North Korea began - the conclusion of any agreements that would lead to de-escalation in various areas in this region of Asia," the deputy minister added.

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